May 2013


30% OFF 100lb Uncoated Invites

30% OFF 100lb Uncoated Invites

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 11:13am

Customize your wedding invite with our 4"x6" cards at a price you can brag about! Offer applies to standard and rounded corners. Offer ends July 31st. Let her go nuts!

30% OFF 100lb Uncoated Postcards

30% OFF 100lb Uncoated Postcards

with or without rounded corners

Sat, 05/18/2013 - 11:01am

Our 100lb uncoated 4"x6" postcards are on sale until July 31st! Offer applies to standard and rounded corners. Postcards are great for boosting sales with targeted marketing materials as inserts or handouts. Don't miss out!